Welcome to TheAmericanWest.org

On April 1, 2007 I left behind almost everything I ever owned and all that I never wanted to and hit the road ... full-time.

Today, with almost a million miles of gravel, red dirt, concrete and pavement behind me, to say it's been a wild ride would not do the years justice.

At the same time, I like to think I've come to know and understand The American West as well as any could during that time.

To that end, I will make every effort on these pages, to not only introduce you to the images I capture, but the people, places, goods and services I have found worthy and of quality over the years.

Over time, you will also be introduced to a select few Western, Americana, and Native artists who appreciate the landscapes and traditions of the American West, as well as its spirit of freedom, liberty, and rugged individualism.

Unlike a retail gallery, there is NO middle man. They are here simply because I appreciate the art being made and the people behind it.

Some may offer the opportunity to purchase directly through this website, others may need more information and ask that you visit their's or contact them directly.

That said, when you decide to purchase from the artists found here, you will be buying directly from them on their terms, with no fees or commissions taken.

Happy trails and may you always find one more river to ride.